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VillageFilm website simplified

Finally, it's easy to understand. The VillageFilm website has been updated to include:
I keep making these changes for two reasons: I want it to be easier for you to access the different tools needed to make this project happen, and because we really need some publicity to find the people that actually want to help. Even if you don't have time to help yourself, please try to publicize a little. For example:
It's all helpful. Thanks!

Chat with Filmmakers

The VillageFilm just added chat capability to its ever-evolving website. Head on over to the Village to see the new chat link.

There is a chat schedule posted on the Google Calendar, as well. Chat capability is available 24/7, but the schedule should give you an idea of when at least someone else will be there. Chats are so much more fun when its more than just you!

Tuesdays at 10pm EST [9pm for us Central folks] is the best time to find us. That's when the story team and I will be there hashing out different ideas. We would love to hear your input directly! Of course you can always simply make a comment from the Village for everyone to see.


VillageFilm adds Ads, chooses Chat

The website is now ad-supported (through Google's AdSense, what else?). Now when you invite people to visit the site, you're supporting the project with people and money. Sweet!

After some discussion and wrangling, we decided to go ahead and switch to a javascript chat module. Soon, we'll be removing the old chat functionality in the Village's right frame, and instead we'll add a link to a chat module in the navigation bar on the left. The chat module is provided by , and it's freeking awesome.

Chat will become an important feature of our experience in the near future. The asynchronous communication we've set up is slick (considering that it costs us nothing), but I think it's important to exchange ideas in real time. Hopefully this will help drive traffic to the site as well. Also, it could help increase participation--most people seem to think helping the VillageFilm project will take hours and hours, time they cannot spare. The chat sessions will hopefully show that you can help with the project even if you only have a few minutes to spare.


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