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Logo Relocation

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see all this input so early on. You guys are coming up with some fascinating ideas, and I can't wait to finalize the concept.

But it's getting really hard to scroll all the way down to remind myself what has been posted, not to mention to see what other people are saying about it. so i've officially relocated the logo ideas to this picasaweb album.

hopefully the format will allow for more interaction and an easier time "flipping through" the ideas.

please, vote for your favorites. but don't vote for more than two. yes, i want to make it hard on you. also, if you have suggestions about specific ideas, comment on the relevant picture.

by the way, you'll have to sign in to your Google account to leave a comment. the sign-in link will be in the upper right corner.

next up: story ideas. my story people keep backing out of meetings, but i promise i'll get some ideas up here very soon, and then just add to them when i pin these people down.

have at it!

Thanks for the invitation... Writely account's up and running and everything now. Let's get to some story. ;-)
I really think this is an awesome idea. Personally, I like the current logo... The people standing on the film strip. I like this logo because it captures the concept of multiple users taking part in the film. I also like the name, "Village Film" and the concept that it embraces.
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