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The Village Philosophy

This village of ours is an experiment, to be sure. But it is NOT an experiment in democracy. It is an experiment in filmmaking.

Thoughts on this are comprised by what I like to refer to as: the Village Philosophy.

We will allow anyone to make comments/suggestions/critiques at any point throughout the entire process, regardless of their expertise or level of involvment. We believe that the collaborative efforts of many minds will outshine what any one of us could do on our own.

We recognize that some are gifted in ways that others are not--for example, some are excellent story writers, some are excellent drawers, some are excellent musicians, some are excellent cinematographers, etc. We believe that these people, though they will not be given special treatment, ought to make the important decisions directly related to their expertise, providing that they consider thoroughly and objectively the varied suggestions of the rest of us. We also hope to have at least two "experts" making each major decision along the way, weighing the options and input and arriving at a unanimous conclusion.

We also realize that at some point someone has to make a decision. When no expert is available and the Village Public cannot agree on a direction, or when two or more experts drag on their decision making unnecessarily, it will be up to the VillageFilm Editors to make a final decision.

We also realize the importance of deadlines. Thus, if we miss a deadline as defined in the Village Calendar, we forfeit our right to speak on or contribute to the subject whose deadline we missed. The Calendar, of course, may be updated at the discretion of the Editors, though they probably won't make any deadlines any earlier than they currently stand, since the Editors recognize that would be Mean and Unhelpful.

That's all I have right now. Feel free to suggest, add, comment, rebuke, joke, whatever. As always, your input is the key to this entire project.

In other news:
The Village (side)Bar <-- Check out how helpful THIS is!
The Village Calendar <-- Deadlines are posted!

Hey Nic, I have a website for you:
-Katie M.
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