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Editors to begin work on RS&P

It's about time.

The Story Team decided on a storyline, and now it's time for the real work to begin.

We will use Google Docs & Spreadsheets to write the script. We're starting by developing a solid outline of all three story lines, which will make the script writing process that much easier.

For those of you not invited to the actual edit board (you'll receive an email if you are), feel free to make comments/suggestions/criticisms/etc. from within the Village. I've built two forms, one that allows you to comment on the script, and one that comments on the outline.

Below are some key definitions and links.

VillageFilm: the accurate way of spelling/referring to this project, as a whole.
Village Filmmakers : Anyone involved in the process of creating this film.
Editors: Key people with significant power over a specific step they have expertise in.
The Village: the frameset that allows easy access to all the tools we will use in this project.
RSP: Religion, Sex, and Politics (the working title of the film we are making).

To read/comment on the outline: Enter The Village and click "Outline".
To read/comment on the script: Enter The Village and click "Script".
To read other people's comments on either: Enter The Village and click "Comments".

[ps: the website colors are (maybe?) decided. I went with a Google color scheme, since that seemed to make sense. Notice the similarity to Gmail, Groups, Docs, and several other Google products. Let me know what you think.]

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